(480) 568-3912 team@culturetocash.com


Easily exit your business at its peak in the next 3-5 years.


Most business owners don’t prioritize creating a strategic exit plan,
risking their financial future and personal well-being.


  • MWorking too many hours, and you're wondering if it is even worth it?
  • MFrustration with your team and difficulty holding people accountable?
  • MUncertainty around how to scale your business to the next level?
  • MProfits that are good but not great?
  • MSales that have plateaued?
  • MNot having a clear exit strategy and feeling stuck in your business with no way out?
  • MPutting out fires that distract you from working “on” the business?

You deserve a business that maximizes both
enterprise value and quality of life.

It shouldn’t be an “either or”, but a “both and”. We’ll help you… 

Maximize Profit

Secure your financial future as we refine your business strategy to watch your sales soar.

Achieve Freedom

Reclaim 40%+ of your time, focus on what matters and make choices that align with your values.

Skyrocket Valuation

Experience a 500-800% increase in your business value while enjoying your entrepreneurial journey.

We get it. Growing a business is hard.

Business Stress

We know you want to be a visionary leader and successful CEO. In order to do that, you need to grow sales and ensure a peak exit strategy. The problem is, you don’t have a clear plan. This can leave you feeling trapped, alone and spread too thin.

We believe every business owner deserves to lead a life that’s as successful personally as it is professionallywithout sacrificing their health, family, or spiritual well-being. 

That’s why we’ve spent the last 8 years helping business owners scale and exit their business successfully. We’ve made it our mission to help business owners like you achieve a balance of professional success and personal fulfillment.

Here's what makes
our approach unique:

  • We implement a simple yet powerful system that ensures lasting change and maximizes business value.
  • We support you continuously, week to week (as long as necessary), to guarantee effective hands-on implementation and successful execution.
  • We optimize your team dynamics, ensuring the right people are in the right seats, doing the right things to fulfil your vision.

You deserve a business that not only meets but exceeds your ambitions, allowing you to win both at work and at home. Take control of your future today and schedule a Clarity Call


Years in Business

Scaled & Exited Our Own Businesses

Companies Helped

Here's how it works

Step 1

Schedule a Clarity Call

Jumpstart your path with a focused session to understand your goals and the challenges you’re facing in business and life.

Step 2

Build the Strategy & Plan

We'll craft a simple yet powerful plan that achieves your key objectives for business growth, profitability, and a smooth exit strategy.

Step 3

Crush Your Business & Personal Goals

Execute the plan with our support, achieving significant breakthroughs in business value and personal well-being.

“.. was already making great money, but the way I have changed the money aspect around overtime, more people, efficiencies are helping. Not just throwing bodies at problems anymore, not burning people out!.”

“Working with Matt Blanton has been so impactful to my life. He has allowed me to lean into myself, accept myself, and does not allow me to beat myself up while still holding a mirror up for me to see. It is a space that provides a space of safety that I have  never felt from others and know that I have the ability to create that for others and that is such a special gift I love dearly.”

“If you want to make sure your organization is aligned and set up for growth, I would tell you, you need to hire Corwin.”

Sonia Summers

CEO, Beauty Barrage

“When we started scaling, I looked for someone with solutions to help take the pressure off me as CEO. It was because of Corwin that my company went from 4 clinics to 26.”

Will Humprheys

CEO, Rise Rehabilitation

“I feel more in sync with my team than ever, we are hitting goals in a way that we haven’t ever before…”

Mike Arce

CEO, Loud Rumor

Our Services

Peak Exit Strategy

Most business owners don’t prioritize creating a strategic exit plan, risking their financial future and personal well-being. We help them put together a simple and strategic plan to maximize profit, achieve freedom, and exit at peak.

Leadership Development

We believe every business owner deserves to lead a life that’s as successful personally as it is professionally—without sacrificing their health, family, or spiritual well-being. Investing in leadership development cultivates a team of A-Players who drive innovation and maintain a high-performance culture.


Effective recruiting focuses on identifying and attracting top talent who fit your company’s culture and vision. By ensuring the right people are in the right seats, you can achieve significant breakthroughs in business value and personal well-being.

With a 5-year runway, we can confidently help you sell at peak…
Any less, and you’ll likely end up selling for less than it’s worth.

——  You’ve worked too hard building a legacy to settle.  ——

Together, let’s build a comprehensive strategy and plan so you can achieve your business and personal goals with confidence and ease.



(and how to avoid them)
  • ^Notice the breakdowns ahead of time and avoid them
  • ^Take preemptive action to maximize valuation
  • ^How to get your team in support of your exit

    FREE Download: Exit Like A Pro!

    Unlock the secrets to avoiding the top 3 mistakes business owners make that sabotage their exit & cost them $$$.

    Strategic Exits